Advantages and Disadvantages of Rustic Life

Living far from civilization might seem like some sort of fiction to most of us, but the fact is that there are people who know no other way of living. No telephones, no dishwashing machines, no cars, no pollution. As much as this sounds as if you’ve traveled back through time, for some, it is quite normal. People who lead this country life know no words like depression, boredom and artificial. Many of us couldn’t cope up with this kind of life, especially people whose life revolves around using technology and those who are accustomed to living a life full of motion, like engineers or business people.

Living in urban areas vs. living in rural areas

Urban and Rural

The greatest advantage of living such country life is that it is much healthier than living in a city or in a place densely populated. Factories, sewerage systems, car exhaustion and many other forms of pollution influence our health badly. On the other hand, natural places which are likely to be afforested have no such problems – clean, fresh has a positive effect on people as well as everything that lives in such environments. Food that grows in such rural places is much healthier than the food we are able to purchase in most stores.

Those who work for their health

Organic Food

Yes, people who live in less urban places are mostly older people, but it is not that rare that these people are physically more capable and healthier than people who are much, much younger than them. In a way, these people really work for their health. They sow their own food which is later fertilized naturally, harvested and prepared. The food they eat is completely organic which provides them with a longer life that carries minimal possibilities of getting ill.

What stimulates our creativity?


A lot of noise, sleep which is out of order, stressful situations – all this affects our mind in a way which doesn’t allow it to progress, just to stagnate. There is no time for creativity, and why should there be creative thoughts when everything that we wish for can be bought, everything is available, everything is solved for us. People living in the country often have to improvise: make their own tools, repair things in their own way. Activities like such stimulate the brain to work faster and produce more ideas and, in addition, it brings a certain amount of happiness. After we have made something which is useful and serves its purpose, we experience a dose of satisfaction, which is only a plus in keeping your mind calm and happy.

Family is sacred


Families which have the wonderful opportunity of finding themselves in such natural habitats are said to have a special, strong relationship. Emotional connections are long lost in this cold world. People raise their children who go away as soon as they turn eighteen, but that doesn’t end there. Some of them gradually lower the number of times they visit each other over time. Family is sacred – this is still the view of people who only have each other and are removed from the city life. Respect, love, understanding – practicing these is just some of their virtues.

Accept the help needed


Of course, this life has its flaws. Rarely do these people get sick, but we cannot say that they never end up with an illness. In many cases, this is not something to worry about, but medical help is desirable. Some of them refuse to go to doctors, especially older people who can’t remember when was the last time something went wrong with their health. This can be very dangerous, as they can be very stubborn. An excellent solution to this problem is rural and remote nursing. Medical help is just a call away. Doctors, nurses, therapists and other medical staff are at your disposal. Also, you must take into an account different weather conditions, which is why a good HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) system is obligatory. During the summer, the temperatures are usually cooler, so the influence of the scorching sun is significantly diminished, winter, on the other hand, is far more ruthless in these parts so, a good quality heating system is a must.

Not criticism


I don’t want to have a negative tone when speaking about living in urban surroundings. Laid back life where everything is just a button away sounds tempting but sometimes, this is not enough, not fair for our lives and health that is, ultimately, very fragile. Not everything in this world revolves around money, work, our mere existence, going out and socializing – maybe there is a bit more out there to it!

Jovan Ilic

Jovan Ilic is very passionate about everything that is creative, innovative and new. He enjoys searching, discovering and writing about underground artists and their work. He has graduated from the Business-Law faculty with a bachelor degree in the field of Business English. Jovan has a broad experience working as a Content Writer, Blogger and Copy Editor. He has many articles published on his blog, where he features some of the most interesting and not so popular artists around the globe. From this passion comes his main frame of work, which is blogging. Blogging, however, isn’t his only occupation. Along with it, his points of interest also include SEO, SEM and SMM. One just can run away from those when working in this field.

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