Add Special, Emotional Value to the Decoration of Your Home

The importance of memories

Framed Pictures

Our past makes us who we are and that same past is made out of a vast number of memories. Good or bad, memories are there as proof that we exist, that we lived and gathered some experience throughout our life. We cannot remember every instance of our life, but our brain makes a selection among all those things that happened to us and it chooses those that made a great impact on our psyche. The human brain works as a defense mechanism sometimes, so we remember those happy memories rather than those sad and unpleasant ones. During some bad period in our life, we can manage to feel much better by thinking about the good times in our past. This can keep us going. Our memories are priceless and nowadays, some of them can be materialized in the form of photographs and many other things. This is how we keep remembering of our dear ones and important events of our life within our surroundings.

Why not try to enrich your home with your personal memories?

Personalized art

Family Portrait

It is somehow unusual but it seems like a great idea. Doing a portrait of your family, separately for each member or maybe a collective family portrait? This is a great solution for a spacy wall in your living room that you have been wondering what to do with or for your dining room – as it will go along with the wooden dining table surrounded by chairs. In this sea of artists and painters, you will easily find someone who will fulfill your wish when it comes to a work like this, and of course, all of it for a reasonable price. Different techniques can be used and as a cherry on top, you can find a frame to match the color of the woodwork or some other material found in that room.

Perfect picture

Framed Picture

With the development of technology, we became able to capture some of our precious moments in life. Whether they are in electronic or printed form, they can be saved if not forever, then for a very, very long time. Put some of your favorite photos in frames and set them all over your home – you just need to find an appropriate place and there are plenty of options: shelves, mantelpiece, walls and even on bedside tables. Make a selection of some photos you would like to look at daily and print them in the desired size. Framing boutiques can help you choose the most suitable frame according to the photo and the style of your home. A slideshow of photos capturing you and your loved ones can be inserted into an electronic frame and it is an excellent solution for those of you whose house or apartment has a more contemporary design.

Baby footprints and handprints in plaster

Hand and Foot Print

Be creative when it comes to the memories of your young ones. Mold the footprints and handprints of your children at their early age and use this as a decoration on your walls. There are great DIY tips on how to do this and a lot of offers on the internet where you can buy the whole molding kit. Make sure to engrave a date on it and additionally, you can put a quote or something that reminds you of that period in your life. Memories sweet like these will catch everybody’s eye and it will make your children love and respect you even more when they grow up a little.

Something that made you proud

Children's Drawings

The first drawings of your children often end up on a refrigerator, but in order to avoid them getting torn or stained, put them in a frame and hang them on a wall. When your children are still young, you can keep those drawings in your bedroom but I am sure that later on, they would want a memory like this in their own room. As a matter of fact, you can take a whole wall and turn it into a place where you will hang all of the achievements and creative works of your child. Arrange them chronologically or in a shape of a star, a heart or in the form of the initial letter of his/her name. You can’t go wrong here. Be innovative and creative as much as you wish.

I hope some of these ideas will help you in incorporating some of your personal things when it comes to decorating your home. Value every moment spent with your family because even now, you are making some memories!

Pavle Dinic

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