Useful Tips on Keeping Your Team Motivated

There are numerous sports around the world. Some of them are based on solo play, such as tennis, whereas there are those with a team versus team type of play, like basketball. Depending on the personality type, people decide what kind of sport they want to be a part of. When it comes to solo performers, trainers have to worry about only one person and their physical and mental condition. The coach should do whatever is in his or her power to keep their player motivated and make them push their own limits in order to progress. But, things become far more complicated when there is a team of several people. The challenges are basically the same for the coach, whether he is working with one man or with several people who make up a team. But, when it comes to overcoming some challenges, there might be more work for a coach who is responsible for the whole team.

Off Training Activities



Team members should not only spend time together when they are training. Deepening the relationship among the players of a team is a great way of strengthening the team as a whole. This can be achieved through numerous activities. Having your team with you on a tourist trip may be one of the things that brings them together. During these activities, players will have enough time to get to know each other, and through this feeling of closeness, they will be able to communicate much more easily and understand each other better when it comes to team play. This will increase the motivation of the whole team because after spending some time together out of training, they will have a sense that they belong to a family whom they love and for which they want to fight for.

Professional Assistance


It is important that the coach has associates with whom he can work with and improve the mental state of his team. It is hard to get your team in absolute physical condition, which will increase their endurance and improve their overall performance in a match, but in some cases, it is more important to keep your attention aimed towards your team member’s mental health as well. Some people may be going through a hard period in their life and a good coach should always know how to recognize this in order to help his team member. By doing this, the coach makes the player feel closer to him and the whole team, which will surely lead to his better performance and a better team performance as a whole. In case the coach is not able to recognize these feelings, having a good associate that is a psychologist is a perfect solution. In cooperation with the coach, the psychologist can work with all the players on their deepest feelings and the things that bother them. This will strengthen each team member by increasing their willpower and making them focus on team work.

Modest Goals

fc barcelona

It is important to view your team realistically and know their performance capabilities. With this in mind, it is possible to set the right goals. Achieving these goals will make everyone in the team feel like they are making progress. A sense of constant progress will keep all the members motivated. It is very important to keep the goals within the team’s abilities. If you set the goals too high, it may become counterproductive because, if the team does not achieve them, then their motivation will certainly drop because they will feel incompetent for achieving other goals. These are not the only factors that influence a team’s motivation levels, but these are the most crucial ones. One of the basic things is to have high quality sports gear that will bear the logo and the team name. Players are certainly not the ones who should worry about their equipment. By providing players with gear, they will take team organization seriously. They will have a sense of belonging and their starting confidence and motivation will be at normal levels.

These are some basic ways of improving your team’s motivation. Keep in mind that good cooperation between team members is the strongest foundation for success when it comes to sports results. Always work on that.


Djordje Todorovic

Djordje Todorovic is a creative writer, a part-time game designer and a linguist, with a degree from the English Language and Literature department. He takes interest in science fiction, epic fiction and horror movies, TV series, books and comic books. He is also a major fan of video games that belong to either MMORPG or point and click adventures genre; he also likes board games as well as trading card games. Djordje has a great amount of respect for the art of stand-up comedy and voice acting, it is his dream to achieve high level of proficiency in either of these areas. He admires the work of George Carlin and Dylan Moran.

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