Negative Impacts of Smoking on Your Health and Appearance

While we grow up, we are bombarded with all the facts telling us how bad smoking really is, how it will ruin our lives, and this information comes from our friends, our families, and even the pack of cigarettes contains information concerning the side-effects of smoking. It is not that we do not believe them or that we cannot hear how smokers cough painfully in their old age – these are not the factors that encourage us to pick up such a bad habit. The main reason why anyone starts smoking is to demonstrate the strength of his or her own free will, or the individual simply succumbs under pressure. Indeed, the first couple of cigarettes do not compel us to keep on smoking, the taste is actually awful, but the addiction is born soon afterwards, and before we know it, this attempt to prove ourselves ends up costing us money and health. Here are some solid reasons why you should quit smoking.

It Smells Awful

This is the least of your problems but it deserves to be mentioned, there is not a cigarette in the world that will leave a pleasant scent behind. You get used to the smell since you are constantly in its surroundings, but other people notice it all too well.

Others Become Passive Smokers

passive smoker

You probably have friends and loved ones who are not smokers but they are forced to inhale the nicotine filled air because of your addiction to smoking. This also makes you a bad role model for your children, thus they are more likely to become smokers themselves.

You Will Become Old Earlier

Another side-effect is appearance – your skin starts to change, you receive wrinkles more often, your teeth become uglier, and your bone density is being. In other words, not only will you look like an old person but you will feel like one as well. We do not seem to worry about these things in our youth – our bodies are strong and resilient, and we recover quickly and are unable to feel the full force of the side-effects, but be certain that the future will be filled with regrets.

Your Organs Suffer

lung smoker

Obviously, lungs are the organ that suffer the most, and let’s say that you won’t get cancer, there are still other negative effects. You will not able to be physically active, you will run out of breath more quickly, your immunity system will get damaged, and thus even a simple cold could becomes a real problem due to your weakened condition. You are also more likely to become impotent so if you do not have children, there is a chance you will never have them in the future.

Your Wallet Is a Victim Too

When you are paying for something that does nothing but harm, then it is basically an act worse than throwing money away. It sounds like a mundane fact, but do a little calculation on how much money have you spent on your cigarettes so far and imagine what you could buy with that money if you had it now, then you will have an insight into the harsh reality you have created.

Breaking the Addiction

motivation quotes

Since I am a smoker myself, I can truly relate to someone who claims it is extremely hard to quit. Even though we are fully aware of the consequences, without smoking, our stress levels rise rapidly. A good approach is to reduce the number of cigarettes to the lowest amount possible, since trying to quit by force will only cause more stress. Also, there is a cheaper alternative, which is not as smelly and as damaging as smoking, but rest assured that it is still not healthy, only significantly less destructive. It is called vaping, and from what I have witnessed, there are a lot of enthusiasts online, building their own kit in an attempt to find the desired flavor. If there is one thing I like about vaping is the size and the density of the clouds which you make as you exhale, and instead of inhaling cigarettes, you are inhaling vapor that comes from heating e-liquid inside the tank.

Djordje Todorovic

Djordje Todorovic is a creative writer, a part-time game designer and a linguist, with a degree from the English Language and Literature department. He takes interest in science fiction, epic fiction and horror movies, TV series, books and comic books. He is also a major fan of video games that belong to either MMORPG or point and click adventures genre; he also likes board games as well as trading card games. Djordje has a great amount of respect for the art of stand-up comedy and voice acting, it is his dream to achieve high level of proficiency in either of these areas. He admires the work of George Carlin and Dylan Moran.

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