Job Hunting – How to Look the Part

It is widely known that being successful isn’t a piece of cake, especially if you are a woman whose goal is to be at the top few in her field. Can you really follow through and are you really able to make it out there in a world full of competition? Take a look at these tips, maybe there are some things that you need to change!

Work hard and be open for suggestions

Is it really necessary to mention that you have to put all of your efforts into doing something, as long as you want to accomplish something really big? If you are aware of this, you must know that along this road full of challenges, problems and also beautiful things, you must be prepared to watch, listen and learn – not only do. Take criticisms seriously and respect all suggestions – especially from those who have a lot of knowledge and experience.

Attitude is really important

Your attitude is something that will be directly responsible for your success. Show others how professional you are and how much you are worth. Be serious but at the same time pleasant – this will make you look like a reliable business person.

Admire and read about other successful businesswomen

successful business women

This can help a lot. Finding a sort of “idol” can boost you a little bit and make you work harder and better. Other people’s success can be good motivation, especially that of other women. Don’t pay attention to the stereotypical prejudice you might encounter about women – this can be painful, but being the strong person that you are, you can deal with this.

Organize yourself well: Balance work and personal life

It can get hard to do good business if you have other problems on your mind. So, make sure that you don’t leave things at home unsolved. Make a schedule and equally distribute time. Your family shouldn’t suffer because you work too much and vice versa. As a family woman, you must be responsible and take care of both your work and your family.

Do research

Market research will do you good. You can learn a lot about your business and what you should alter. If you see that you are not progressing, this can mean that you are not doing something right – see what is blocking your headway.

Pick the right clothes and shoes

This doesn’t mean that you should spend a fortune on your clothes and shoes – it means that you need to pick some garments that will make you look really professional. Suits and skirts that are not too short, with a pair of high heels can do wonders for your business looks. Good looks and brains – is there more to ask for? The only bad thing here is that you might suffer some back pain if your shoes are not comfortable and you are doomed to spend eight hours or more in your high heels. This can cause various health problems, so be careful, since there is no need to force yourself into wearing something that you don’t feel comfortable in.

A little tip: always carry an additional pair of flat shoes in your bag.


Be determined

Finally, you must be determined and don’t ever give up. It is not going to be easy, but if you really want to succeed, you need to find that inner strength, some reason that will keep you going, until you reach the top!

Katarina Milovanovic

Katarina is a creative writer, article writer and content writer with the degree in English language, literature and culture at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis. She likes writing about beauty, travelling and computer games. Except for the interest in linguistics and writing, she likes art, especially acting. She is also a big fan of films, books, computer games and TV shows, and a week cannot pass without her watching another new film or a new episode of her favourite TV show. Her passion is travelling, because she thinks that getting to know another culture means expanding your mind and knowledge.

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