Personal Hygiene Tips

Everyone knows that taking care of you hygiene is important, but does anyone really know why they are doing what they are and are they doing it properly. Having good personal hygiene means that you will reduce the chances of having health issues. Not only that your health will not be jeopardized, but also the health of the people around you. Spreading contagious diseases is less likely to happen if you and the group of people around you take good care of your hygiene. Doing this will keep you free from illnesses, bacteria, viruses, and it will also make you have more confidence and fell better about yourself. Now, let’s see what is it that people do wrong or neglect doing when it comes to this issue.


Shower daily. Try not to get out of your bathroom before drying completely. If the other rooms are much cooler than your bathroom, wait until your body temperature drops or put on some clothes before you get out of there. When showering, wash your feet and don’t just soak them in water. Use soap and a sponge to brush your feet and clean any fungus that you may have. After finishing, clean your ears and take off your earrings to clean the whole in which they are.

Wash your hands

It is important to develop a habit of washing your hands regularly. Germs spread around by hand contact, so you must keep your hands clean to prevent causing illnesses to other people and yourself. Wash your hands before every meal, before cooking, after using the restroom, before playing with your children and especially after using a public restroom. Studies have shown that besides a vaccine, washing your hands regularly can prevent you from catching the flu.

Taking care of your hair

Cut your hair every two weeks. Wash your hair at least every two days. When you are washing your hair, it is important to use products that are good for your hair and skin. Before buying something that you plan on using for your hair, read what chemical substances it contains and for what type of hair it is. Taking care of your hair will also make you look more attractive. If you are a woman, try not to change your hair color too often because you can damage it and you might never be able to recover it.

Oral hygiene

Taking proper care of oral hygiene will make sure that your gums and teeth are healthy. Not taking care of it may cause teeth deterioration, bad breath, mouth inflammation and many other diseases. That’s why you should brush your teeth regularly (every morning, before bed and after every meal) and floss every time after brushing. By doing these things, you will make sure that you don’t have to repair your teeth in the near future and they will look sparkling white. Some people have natural yellow looking teeth, and no matter how good they take care of their oral hygiene, it is impossible for their teeth to be white. If you are one of these people, I suggest you have your teeth whitened. It is a simple dental procedure that can give your teeth a sparkling look.

Body odor

To reduce body odor, shower regularly, shave your armpits in the summer when it is hot, change sweaty and filthy clothes, put deodorant and avoid alcohol and spicy food.

Nail care

Trim your nails every week, and clean them after every shower with soap so that there is no dirt underneath them. Clipping and trimming your nails will make your feet look neat, healthy and prevent problems such as hang nails or infected nail beds.

Things you shouldn’t share

It is important not to share certain things with people because they can transfer diseases or infections. Never share towels, clothes that haven’t been washed, toothbrushes and spoons (or forks).

These things may seem simple to someone who has been taught good hygiene habits. But for people whose parents didn’t teach them these things, it may be tricky to get used to it. What is important is to stick to this advice and organize yourself well, and if you cannot remember, you can even make a reminder of what you need to do.

Aleksandar Ilic

Aleksandar Ilic is an experienced blogger and ghost writer who has experience with a lot of different subjects which range from construction, music, gaming, environmentalism and so on. As a former student of the English Language and Literature Department, at the University of Nis, Serbia with a particular interest in literature he can adapt his writing to any style while making the content seem natural to native speakers. His love for music led him to start playing in a band when he was in high school and he plays the guitar to this day. He is also an enthusiast for online PvP games and a great fan of epic fiction.

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