9 Tips on How to Behave When First Starting on a Job

New beginnings are always scary, especially when getting hired for the first time or transferring to a new job position. Suddenly, it’s high school all over again, only this time there are no excuses.

Of course, you want to make a good first impression, but you are walking into unknown territory which inevitably puts additional stress on you. Will I be good at this job? Will my co-workers like me? Should I be more serious or is it alright to be that casual, “whatzup” kind of a person?

These are just some of the questions that run through our minds before we fit into a dynamic of the business environment. However, the time that passes from first starting until getting to know the particular work requirements and the working staff, one can lose a given opportunity and end up regretting not doing things differently.

But before you start imagining the worst possible scenario, take a look at some tips that will help you rock at your new job and set the ground for a successful working experience.

1. Prepare & Rest

Humor me for a second and let’s think about what you would  want from your employees if you could run your own business? You would probably want someone who is well-informed about the company, products, business motto, and a true professional who knows how to behave while doing the work efficiently.

Therefore, do the research and learn about their corporate culture and history. Don’t be afraid to ask around for the relevant info. This will teach you more about the work environment you are walking into, and provide a starting conversation point with new associates.

Accordingly, prepare all you need the night before. Avoid overthinking the details by selecting the outfit, shoes, and other essentials that make you feel more confident in advance. Pack and organize everything, so you can be there rested and on time.

2. Be Prompt

There is nothing worse than those who are constantly running late. You want to make an impression of a professional, hence, you should be there on time. Actually, don’t just be among the first to come, but the last to leave as well.

The first several weeks, show your interest by coming early and leaving late. Not only will this astonish your superiors, it will also serve as a chance to get to know your surroundings and expectations.

3. Always Bring a Smile


Regarding your attitude, you should try to be nice and friendly to others from the first day. Avoid being closed off or overly open. Nonetheless, introduce yourself to people, always offer them a helping hand, and don’t participate in gossiping. There are good indications that social skills will be the most important thing that employers will look for in the future, and this is something that a lot of people lack.

So, if you are usually quite shy or private, it is time to practice your social skills and get out of that safe cocoon. Yet again, don’t behave as a needy child. Do what is expected of you in a timely manner and socialize without overbearingly trying to belong.

4. Do What You Are Hired For

No, it is not fine to text and check out your Facebook and Instagram during your working hours, particularly when you’re at a business meeting or on a tight schedule. Even if you are trying to Google important job requirements because you don’t quite understand your duties yet, it is better to ask someone in the office than to appear uninterested or unqualified for a given position.

That is right! You can and should ask freely about the details that seem unclear. If the business offers a training program, take advantage of it and pay attention. Otherwise, find an ally in some of the people with a lot of potential or the company’s rising star.

5. Soak Up Everything

Study and memorize everything you get your hands on, whether that may be marketing campaigns, business plans, websites, etc. and learn all the significant names and the company’s top people.

However, to make positive changes and improve your work, ask for feedback and take disapproval as a chance to become better. For that reason, never refuse a generous offer of help. Showing that you are thankful and gracious will make you s more approachable people person, with a great work ethic.

6. Volunteer

To be prepared for when you are chosen to work on a new project, dive in  deep and discover the company’s past and likely future missions. From there on, identify the right choice and start volunteering to get more attention from your boss. If you feel ready for such a big task and absolutely certain you can manage everything according to schedule, then follow through with a plan and find the best volunteering option.

7. Keep On Socially Growing



Social Media has become the most widely used tool for organizing and coordinating every aspect of our life. Once an official part of a team, you must update your social media platforms and connect with the company and your colleagues.

In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old co-workers or get in touch with some of the new professionals in the business field. Reinforce others and get further recommendations on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

8. Proactive Means Productive

Ordinarily, the company will give small amounts of work to newcomers at the beginning to gradually introduce them to the business. This is a good thing, as the new member has the time to learn while finishing tasks on time, without getting overwhelmed in the process.

As soon as you feel ready, you can start taking initiative and ask for new assignments. Doing the bare minimum and staying on that level is not a good way to be remembered and it will definitely not get assigned to important projects. People appreciate it when you make an effort and show how enthusiastic you are about working on a project.

9. Set Objectives

Some people lose interest for a job early on. This is what always happens when you work without an ultimate finish line in mind. If you want to stay motivated, you must set some goals, so that you’ll have something to aim for. In fact, you can make new monthly tasks to conquer on the road to fulfilling the final goal. With each step closer, you will get a boost of positive energy that will keep you going through thick and thin.

Remember, during the first month all is forgiven. It is completely acceptable to ask questions and show a desire to work by getting there early, reading everything you can, signing up for the company’s training program, getting to know people, and working late.

That being said, the first common mistake you have to avoid is insisting on taking on a big project and wanting more responsibility right away. On the other hand, not being more involved in business matters after some time will definitely make you look indifferent about the job.

Therefore, plan your future in the company by learning as much you can, becoming a productive part of a team, and setting new goals for each month.

Marija Milunovic
Marija Milunovic

Marija Milunovic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in Business English. She prefers creative and responsible people, and her vices are coffee and cigarettes. Writing is a way to express her unique view of the world, and she is a big fan of a well-presented core of the topic. Whatever the assignment may be, she will get it done following the client's instruction, and her general interests are lifestyle and educational topics.

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