8 Reasons You Should Drink Ginger Water Every Morning

Instead of your usual orange juice over breakfast, have you ever thought about a glass of ginger infused water? There are tonnes of amazing health benefits, and whilst it may not sound as appealing as a glass of fruit juice, this little magic potion should definitely have a place in your morning routine! Need some convincing? Just check out these eight reasons as to why you should be drinking ginger water every day!

1. It Can Help You Lose Weight

Did you know that ginger can aid with weight loss? Of course, it’s no replacement for exercise and a healthy diet but it has been shown to increase your metabolism. Pick up any weight loss supplement and you’re bound to find ginger listed as one of the key ingredients. It’s also a light appetite suppressant and it might give you a fuller feeling for longer periods of time. Just be sure to incorporate this into your weight loss plan in a healthy, natural way!

2. It Can Aid With Nausea

Gigen can help with nauseaDo you suffer with nausea or motion sickness? Many of us do, and it can really affect day-to-day life, especially if car rides have anything to do with it! Ginger is actually proven to be a fantastic natural remedy for treating nausea and can be particularly helpful for pregnant women, too. If you’ve got a long journey coming up and you are suffering from motion sickness, be sure to drink a glass of ginger water the night before as well as on the morning of the journey, to ease that sickness feeling.

3. It Can Boost Your Immune System

Ginger is an old favourite for curing a cough or flu due to its anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It works to kill the bacteria and ensure it doesn’t try to return! It’s also great for soothing a sore throat and clearing congestion. If you feel a cold coming on, be sure to keep a flask of warm ginger water close to you!

4. It Works As an Anti-Inflammatory

You may not know this but ginger is also a fantastic natural anti-inflammatory! Working to reduce joint inflammation, this can be particularly helpful for arthritis sufferers to reduce and manage any pain. It works its magic by not allowing the blood vessels to become inflamed, therefore increasing blood flow and easing the pain.

5. It Might Help Your IBS

Irritable Bowel SyndromeIrritable bowel syndrome can be a very frustrating and embarrassing condition to live with. It’s a common disorder and affects many people, causing cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and gas. Ginger can provide great relief from the symptoms of IBS, by relaxing the intestines during a flair up. Be sure to keep drinking ginger water in the morning, but also try adding ginger into your cooking, too.

6. It Can Relieve Tired Muscles

If you’re a frequent gym bunny then you might find ginger to be super helpful for relieving those tired, worn out muscles! Studies have actually proven that those who eat ginger often experience a significant reduction in their muscle pain after they work out; it also means you can get back into the gym quicker without waiting too long to exercise again.

7. It Improves Your Circulation

The list of benefits really does go on! Ginger can actually help to improve your circulation due to its ability to thin the blood. Ginger also contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help improve the blood flow.

8. It Could Prevent Cancer

Ginger can help cancer preventionNow this is controversial but a study taken out at the University of Minnesota actually found that ginger has the ability to slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells. Pretty impressive, right? Although it’s no miracle cure, it does just go to show the incredible power ginger can have on the body!

It doesn’t just stop here either; there are tonnes of other amazing benefits ginger has on our bodies, and hopefully these have highlighted just how incredible ginger is! There’s no excuse not to incorporate it into your diet. If you find that ginger isn’t to your taste, you could try adding lemon to your water. This way, you’ll be receiving a double health hit, as lemon also has many amazing benefits and promotes healing. So, tomorrow when you go to grab your carton of OJ from the fridge, why not boil the kettle and make a glass of ginger lemon water to have alongside your cereal.

Do you drink ginger water to promote health and wellbeing? Or would you consider it now after reading this article? Be sure to leave a comment!

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Tilly Jayne Kidman

Tilly is a UK lifestyle blogger with a passion for health and wellness, writer and health enthusiast. She enjoys yoga, travelling and making memories. Tweet her @tillyjayne_ and find her on Facebook.

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