7 Improvements Your Home Definitely Needs

Have you recently received some money from a long forgotten aunt from Germany? Or did buying lottery tickets finally pay off? It doesn’t matter where you got the money, the important thing is how you spent it. Naturally, the most important thing you can improve is your home, not only because you spend most of your free time there, but also because it will improve the overall value of the property.

So, what is it that you can do? Well, it all depends based on your desires and needs, but feel free to splurge a little, because nothing can make up for the sense of comfort that you will have in your own home. Naturally, the internet is an abundant of ideas, and you only need to find those that fit your taste the most and of course, your budget.

1. Bigger TV

Living room
Let’s face it, we like big things, and just thinking about all those pixels is sure to make you happy. A TV takes a central place in any living room, where its magnificent size is sure to attract some glimpses from your guests, even when it is turned off. Naturally, all of this would be in vain if you didn’t have HD TV services available, so you can enjoy the glorious display. You can also buy a blu-ray player, and that latest superhero movie, and with a bucket of popcorn, you can have the night all for yourself.

2. Wine Rack

A wine rack, with a lot of good wine in it, is not actually about whether you like wine, it’s more about the fact that you can afford one. It’s a matter of prestige and good sense, and not to mention that when you have your friends over, you can open that bottle and treat everyone else. Be positive that it will look gorgeous in your kitchen. When it comes to wine, just remember that a fancy name or a high price tag do not mean that it is an exquisite wine, make sure to buy the one that you enjoy, and do try blackberry wine, it’s delicious.

3. Book Shelf


Reading is extremely important, not only because you’ll get to flaunt it around, but also because you’ll learn something new and open your mind to some new thoughts and ideas. Having a bookshelf can really be a nice addition to your study room or your home office, and it will add a sense of sophistication. Buy books that you really like, and that you want to read, and it doesn’t matter whether you like reading about vampires, or damsels in distress – make sure to actually read them.

5. AC

Having an AC installed is actually not a thing of luxury, it has become a thing of necessity, because summers are becoming extremely hot, and winters are harshly cold, but remember, not only will an AC heat and cool down your house, but it will also filter out all the pollen and other allergens that might cause you some discomfort, and not to mention that it can reduce or increase air humidity. And just imagine, it’s 110 degrees outside, and you’re inside where it is a pleasant 70 degrees, and you’re enjoying a glass of wine while reading a book. Priceless!

6. Gaming Console

Game Tester

Remember that big TV? Why not buy a gaming console that would look extraordinary in its full HD glory? With the recent war of gaming consoles, you can easily buy them wherever you want, and it doesn’t matter if you are a PS4 or Xbox One fan, both of them will let your enjoy all the newest game releases, where you can blast off all those zombies, enemy soldiers, or you can dance your shoes off with the latest motion detection technology.

7. Waterproof Speakers

A final recommendation. Waterproof. Speakers. Which, in short, means that you can have your own personal concert while taking a shower. And believe me, we all like singing while taking care of our hygiene, and with waterproof speakers, you’ll be able to enjoy all the music you ever wanted, without fearing that water vapor will destroy your ordinary speakers. While this is not a big investment, it will definitely change the way you see showers.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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