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6 Tips for Making Your Instagram Account Profitable

People all over the internet started talking about earning money on Instagram recently. Initially, this applications wasn’t designed for this but, believe it or not, there are several things that you could do in order to make your account profitable.

1.  You Think You’ve Got What it Takes?

If you think that your photos are good enough and that people are going to like them, then it wouldn’t hurt you to try this. What people look for is usually good quality, interesting photos, current trends and of course, a personal touch added to your work.

2.  Start Sharing Your Photos… a Lot

After creating your Instagram account, start sharing your photos and do it regularly if you want to succeed in this mission of yours. Make sure that you upload at least ten photos per day with some relevant tags. This will help you gather likes and it will pave your way towards success. You need to know that you won’t see real results immediately. It takes lot of work, dedication and wit in order to earn from Instagram. However, you can never know what will people like, so if you accidentally discover that something works for you, just keep doing it and always upgrade your work.

3.  Buy a Better Camera

Instagram doesn’t allow you to post only photos taken with your phone’s camera, so take advantage of that too. Take pictures with a better camera and transfer them to your phone and then upload them. Don’t buy equipment that is too expensive right away – there will be time for that. You can also use different filters and edit your photos in programs such as Photoshop, that is, if you are skilled in doing this. Many people prefer photos that are not Photoshoped, but this skill is not to be neglected. If you are a good Photoshoper, you can even find a job using it on your Instagram photos.

4.  Gather Followers

This is your main goal, to gather as many followers as you can. This is what can bring money to you. All those followers that like your photos will make you visible in this vast field of other people on Instagram. No matter if you want to earn by selling your photos or by advertising other people, you better have as many followers as you can. Consider them your potential “customers”. This is why you need to be active, follow people, like their photos and put some effort in reaching this goal.

5.  Offer Your Marketing Services to Others

After you’ve gathered enough followers, it is time to do some work. You can always offer people to promote them via your Instagram account by implementing their products, brand or company name in your photos. This might be the best way to earn money on Instagram even though it is hard to get a contract such as this with a really successful company. This is why you need to stay humble and start slowly. You can always make offers to some smaller companies in the start, and if you are really good at this, a life time opportunity might come along that way.

6.  Sell Your Photos

You can always choose to sell your photos to people. If you are wondering who would buy them, don’t worry, there are people who will buy your Instagram photos if they have a certain quality. Sell them online via Twenty20 – which will take care of everything, but they will have their share in it; or Inkifi, where you can print them on canvas, as posters, magnets, etc., so that you can later sell them on your own. You have to be a reasonable person and realize that the prices of your photos matter as well. Put a price that isn’t that high to gather customers. Naturally, no one is going to buy an Instagram photo that is completely overrated.

Some of these pieces of advice can help you move towards success or at least earning some extra cash – who knows..? Just don’t be satisfied by letting these apps use you. You should be the one using them and, in this case, you can gain a lot.