6 Great Tips to Stay in Shape While Travelling

Whilst travelling is always a pleasurable experience, it could sometimes have its downsides, especially when it comes to our health. We may get too overwhelmed with the beautiful places, exotic and mouth-watering food, or simply the concept of vacationing that we binge on almost everything. By the end of our trip, we will have already gained a couple of pounds.
No matter how full your itinerary is, always make an effort to stay in shape. Below are some great tips that you can use to ensure that you keep fit and healthy while traveling.

1. Walk, walk and walk

Walking is a good cardio exercise. It’s very easy (even a one year old baby can do it), does not require any equipment and can be quite pleasant as well. Instead of renting a car to tour the city, grab a map and explore it by walking. Not only will you be able to burn some extra calories, but you can also discover new places and meet new people.

2. Do some adventure underwater sports

Swimming has always been a great exercise, as you get to move all the parts of your body without putting any stress on your joints. An underwater sport is a must-have for those who love swimming. You will be amazed at how breathtaking the underwater world is, plus you get to have an activity that will keep you in great shape. So go ahead and book a scuba-diving activity on your next getaway.

3. Take bike tours and do cycling

Cycling and biking are also good cardio exercises. If you are traveling in the countryside, this is a perfect activity that allows you to get some fresh air, enjoy the scenery and get toned legs and fit body. If you’re beginning to gain weight, since the town’s delicacies are so hard to refuse, rent a bicycle and have a tour.

4. Go for hiking

If you love nature and are an adventurous type, hiking is the perfect go-to activity for you. Start as early in the morning as you can, so that you can reach the top by sunrise. Hiking could be hard and tiring, especially when you have to trail through rocks and bushes, but when you get to see the beauty of the world around you from the top, you’ll know that all of those hardships were worth it. If you want to keep track of the number of steps that you have taken or the number of calories burned, download the best activity tracker for your smart phone.

5. Have fun in rock climbing

If you are tired of the same boring activities when you are traveling, try an exciting and adventurous one by doing rock climbing. If you want to strengthen your back muscles and core, you definitely mustn’t overlook this activity. Building your muscles is a great way to lose those extra pounds, but always make sure you stay safe by securing all the necessary harnesses and following all the safety rules.

6. Do some yoga when you have the time

Traveling could be overwhelming and tiring, so doing some yoga for relaxation and rejuvenation is a great travel idea. A simple 30 minute yoga session could help you limber up, relax your muscles and calm you mind.

Be the best version of yourself when you are traveling by following these simple tips. Staying fit and healthy will improve your travel experience and give you the confidence and the energy to try out exciting new things and unleash that adventurous spirit.

Cindy Rollins

Cindy is blogger and writer at wearaction.com and she has a passion for fitness that she wants to share with you, and anyone else who is interested in living a healthier lifestyle. She always suggests to workout daily.

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