6 Foods and Drinks You Shouldn’t Miss When Visiting Barcelona

We can talk about Barcelona for days on end, but let’s face it – the architecture might be great and the people hospitable, but the food…. Oh my God, the food is what makes Barcelona so special and unique. If you’ve ever wondered where you can find something tasty to try, clearly, Spain is the place for you. It is one of the most exciting places around the globe, and it is so close, at the heart of Europe. If you ever get bored of it (and I’m sure you won’t) you can easily hop over to Germany, Italy or France.

When we talk about food in Barcelona, it is so much more than simple stuff that you put into your mouth to get fed. It is about art, fashion, culture and history, so it is not uncommon that a lunch can last a few hours. Food is appreciated and enjoyed – to the very last bite. When talking about a topic as big as cuisine, it is difficult to pinpoint what exactly is best; there are no winners here, but there are some things that you have to try, if your life ever takes you to Barcelona.

1. Patatas Bravas

Patatas BravasThis is a kind of Tapas the Spaniards are famous for; finger food that people can eat – well, almost everywhere. Patatas (it even sounds like potatoes) are a special kind of food with baked or fried potatoes, dipped in a special tomato sauce. It might sound like french-fries and ketchup, but it couldn’t be further from that.

The sauce is quite spicy (there are a few variants of the sauce, some of them even include mayo), and the potatoes are prepared to perfection. Like ordinary tapas, they are served at bars and are an excellent way of not getting drunk quickly, as they will keep your fingers and mouth occupied. There are many variations of this food, and each and every one is delicious in its own way.

2. Agua de Valencia

Agua De ValenicaHey, people in Barcelona like to drink, and why wouldn’t they? The climate is hot, the people are friendly, and everything is simply better when you are a little buzzed. Agua de Valencia is a simple mixture of champagne, orange juice, vodka and gin. It comes in big pitchers and is served in cocktail glasses. It looks good, and it tastes good.

This is not the drink you plan on having before going to a nightclub; it should be enjoyed on the patio, as a way of cooling yourself down during a hot summer day. It is extremely popular in Valencia, so make sure to head over there, and guzzle a few (or more) of these cocktails down.

3. Jamon

jamonIn Barcelona, food is a serious business, and there is nothing more sought after than high-quality jamon. It is a special kind of dried, cured ham that is prepared from a special kind of pig’s meat, a process that can last for long periods of time (it can sometimes take up to a few months to prepare an expensive serving of jamon).

It is cut in small slices, just enough to easily chew each piece. It’s usually served without any kind of bread, but you are free to buy a piece and make yourself a sandwich, if that sounds better to you. It can be quite an expensive treat, but it is certainly worth it. Make sure you eat as much of it as you can, as no amount of dried jerky can replicate the texture and taste of good jamon.

4. Paella

paellaBarcelona is filled with small restaurants and places that you can visit and try different food, but finding a place that makes truly good paella is a challenge in itself. Paella (originally a poor man’s dish – the same way as pizza) can be made from almost anything, and the only element that stays the same is rice. It is cooked with a special broth, where the rice grains can absorb all the moisture and become all soft and tasty, and then other ingredients are added, either seafood, smaller pieces or meat and different spices.

It is cooked in a special pan, and the most delicious part, the slightly burned rice at the bottom is the stuff dreams are made of. Paella is traditionally served in the same pan that it was baked in, and the people should just use their own forks, and dig in. It is a social kind of food, something that is central to Barcelona.

5. Escalivada

escalivadaThis is a highly colorful dish, perfect for hot summer days when you are in the mood for something light, yet tasty. It is quite easy to make, and it is made out of a different combination of roasted vegetables, including eggplant, bell peppers, tomato and onions. This is an excellent vegetarian dish, and even though it sounds like it couldn’t keep you full, think again. With the addition of olive oil, vinegar, salt and some seasonings, its smoky texture will leave a lasting impression.

6. Crema Catalana

crema-catalanaThis is a Spanish version of crème brûlée, which is caramelized milk pudding, with a nice taste of lemons or oranges. It has a bit smoother and creamier texture, which makes it a perfect dessert during hot weather. Traditionally, it was made only on St Joseph’s Day (something similar to Father’s day) but now, it can be found almost everywhere. This quintessential Spanish dish has deserved a place on our list, simply because we love tasty food, and we have a soft spot for sweets, especially when they are made well.

Make sure you try at least some of these when you visit Barcelona; you sure won’t regret it. All of these dishes will go well with a nice cup of coffee, or a glass of champagne. Just remember, try to enjoy your stay there, because it will all be over soon and you will only think about your next opportunity to visit this wonderful place. Sit down and dedicate a few hours to experiencing everything Barcelona has to offer.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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