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6 Caffeine Alternatives That Will Give You a Greater Morning Kick


The world we are currently living in, where each one of us faces great tasks, demands and issues every day, to be successful and satisfied with what we are doing, we just have to be on top of our game. To achieve that we have to be physically and psychologically ready. No matter how good of a life routine you have, in the morning, you are probably just wanting to go back to bed and have some more rest. And that is more than reasonable, especially when you see what you have to do for the day.

But if you were to function like that, there would be no point in your life. So you accept that and start to prepare for your day. In that process, most people strive to consume something, either a beverage or some food that can help them get more energy to continue. For most people in the world, that morning beverage is coffee. A brewed drink prepared from roasted beans.

The thing that affects your CNS is a stimulant called caffeine. So, while most people decide to go for coffee as their morning drink, recent studies have shown that not all people react the same way to it and that it can greatly affect your health, once it becomes an addiction. So, with that in mind, we ask ourselves, is there anything else that might work the same way as coffee does, but without those downsides?

What are the effects?

So, as already mentioned, coffee does give an energy boost to most people, but it also comes with some downsides. If you drink it in large amounts, it can trigger some serious medical conditions.

Of course, we cannot deny that, along with some downsides, it can have benefits for you, of course, if used in moderate doses and if you are not too sensitive to caffeine. It can:

So after we came to a conclusion, that it can both have a positive and negative effect, and that you need to achieve balance with drinking coffee, like with everything else in life, we are going to present a few caffeine alternatives, that stimulate you just as good or even better than coffee itself.

Is there a substitution?

Most coffee alternatives are derived from natural plants as well, meaning that you’ll have no worries that there is something artificial and hidden behind it.

Our first choice would surely be Ginkgo Biloba. This herbal extract that comes from the nut of the Ginkgo Biloba tree has been used for centuries, mostly in China, as medicine for a few conditions, working mostly as a vasodilator. People have reported that the usage of this herb helped them perform and focus better, considering that it increases blood flow to both the brain and the extremities. This is a concrete alternative you could consume in capsules, teas or tinctures.

The second alternative that we are presenting comes from Asian medicine as well; Ginseng. Although it comes from the Asian continent, people are growing it all over the world, knowing that it has great effect on reducing depression and stress. Also, it is known to stimulate the brain and to increase blood flow. Like with Ginkgo Biloba, you could take this one in the form of tea, tinctures or capsules.

Coming as our third choice, a great alternative is Licorice tea. This herb is known to support adrenal glands, acting as a tonic and increasing energy, as well as focus. It can be added to tea blends, or you can have it as a tincture.

The fourth alternative that we would greatly recommend is Wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass by itself is known to contain great health benefits, and it is the same in juice form as well. It is a natural energizer, providing you all the essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in just one shot. All in all, it gives you a huge boost, and if you mind the taste, you can flavor it a bit with something else.

Rooibos tea, derived from plants that grow in Africa, is a great caffeine-free alternative for those of you who cannot pass the day without a boost. It gives you good amounts of Vitamin C and antioxidants, while it is pretty pleasant to drink on its own as well.

For the last one, we are going to present one more alternative that comes from Asia. The studies on this one just keep appearing, and it seems that it is good for any condition that you might have. Yes, we are talking about Ginger. It is amazing, as it gives you a huge energy boost right after you consume it, and besides that, it raises your mood, and it is also shown to improve digestion. You cannot go wrong on this one, and you can consume it on its own, eating a piece of it, or as a tea; both work equally good.


In the end, we would like to point a few things out. People are different; not everyone reacts the same to each substance, so while some cannot get badly affected by coffee even in larger doses, there are others who need just a little bit to not feel that well. So, taking this into consideration, the best thing you can do is to know yourself so you can make your best diet plan, and simply base your actions on what you are feeling. If you need large doses of coffee, and you just drink it moderately, then it might be best to cut it out completely.

In this article, we have supplied you with more than enough alternatives that might even work better than coffee, so do not hesitate, go for it, and simply strive to make every minute of your life as good as it can be.
