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5 Stress Reducing Activities for Powerful Women Entrepreneurs

Being a businesswoman is a struggle, even in these supposedly modern times. It takes plenty of courage, strength and dedication to become a successful entrepreneur no matter how you cut it, but for women, it can also be a constant battle to prove their true value and capabilities in a male dominated business world. There have been plenty of truly inspiring women of power as of late, Angela Merkel being a woman who gets to make huge decisions that can affect the future of the world and who goes head to head with numerous world leaders is a perfect example.

However, holding a position of power can be mentally taxing and stressful, and activities traditionally recommended to women, e.g. Pilates and Zumba, simply won’t cut it when it comes to blowing off steam. Those women who have fought hard to prove that they are stronger and more capable than most men around them and succeeded, need something that pushes their mind and body to the very limits, helping them let go of all the pent up adrenaline and become even stronger.


Climbing is a very challenging activity that requires plenty of strength and endurance in virtually every muscle of your body. Climbing to the top gives you a clear sense of accomplishment and is an excellent metaphor for the kind of effort and patience it takes to reach the top of your field and become an influencer. You get to learn about teamwork as other people’s lives depend on your skills and you depend on theirs. On top of all that, you get to be out in the fresh air and sun, and your body will become much stronger and more resilient from all the hard physical activity. You’ll also develop a very strong grip, which makes for a killer handshake and ensures that no jars ever remain unopened.


A lot of people hate winter because of the cold and prefer to spend a vacation bathed in the rays of the sun on a sandy beach. However, there is a lot of fun to be had in the snow and, if you’re up for the challenge, a lot to learn. Snowboarding is fast-paced and requires good reflexes, a decent amount of flexibility, good coordination, balance and endurance. By the time you learn how to do it properly and summon the courage to try more difficult trails, you will have developed a great deal of focus, a capable body and quick thinking skills that can transfer over into other aspects of your daily life. Not to mention the adrenaline rush you get when speeding down the mountain and the feeling of catharsis which washes away all your worries and fears afterwards.

Whitewater rafting

As far as teamwork, improvisation and quick decision making go, very few activities will put your skills to the test like whitewater rafting. A bunch of people in a cramped space, being carried down the river at frightening speed – it truly is an exhilarating experience. There is no time for daydreaming or everyday stress – you and your team need to act as a well-oiled machine, and this requires good communication under stress and an understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. You will come out of the whole experience a tougher person and shed all nagging doubts and feelings of insecurity. Needless to say, there is plenty of safety practices and equipment involved so as to ensure that you actually get a chance to learn from your mistakes. Being at the mercy of nature like that really gives you a whole new perspective on life and on your priorities.


Another excellent water sport for thrill seekers, wakeboarding is all about taking your mental and physical skills to the next level. It is a strange mix of various water skiing, surfing and snowboarding moves, with a focus on performing beautiful and complex acrobatic tricks while being pulled behind a speedboat going at great speed. It can help you develop incredible coordination, lightning fast reflexes and the perseverance to keep getting up and trying again. It is simple enough to get into – although it is important to choose the right kind of equipment depending on your physical stature and preferred riding style – but getting good at it will require plenty of dedication. With time, you will develop an iron will and the ability to hold your own when faced with adversity.


There is no better way of learning about mental toughness than developing a strong and capable body and learning the skills and tactics that allow you to beat another person in ritualistic combat. You see this in most mammals – a fight between two members of the pack determines the most dominant one, a battle between different packs determines who gets to control the hunting grounds, and predators are engaged in combat to the death to see who lives and who dies. These are different levels of combat, and we see these fights for dominance and survival in the business world as well.

Mixed martial arts covers punching, striking with elbows and knees, kicking, throwing and grappling, making it the most complete of the current combat sports in terms of how the human body can be used to defeat an opponent. When you have the skill to defeat others in physical combat, you get a huge boost in confidence. You will be able to assert dominance through posture alone, and your confidence in your skills and power will show in your tone of voice and affect how you deal with others on a day to day basis. It is a great sport for powerful women entrepreneurs as it helps to bridge the gap between social and physical power, and gives them plenty of opportunity to vent out their frustration on punching bags.

These are some of the best adrenaline-fueled activities that can help powerful business women exercise their inner demons, relieve stress, teach valuable skills that carry over into the business world and develop a strong mind and body. Strong, capable and independent women of the world, say no to small pink weights and yoga pants, and embrace these hardcore challenging activities that will actually help you grow.