5 Romantic Gift Ideas for New Year’s Eve

Very soon, the year 2016 will be over, and since it was not a year anybody wants to remember, you should begin with a fresh and more positive start. This is a perfect opportunity for you to surprise your partner, and give them something romantic to lift their spirits. Here are some romantic gift ideas for the new 2017.

Winter getaway tickets

A Couple In The StreetThe best thing to do when you need to filter out all the negativity is to go on a vacation with someone you love. So, even though this is somewhat of a cliché gift, it really a safe bet if you want to buy something meaningful.  Moreover, the gift is one thing, but with the right gesture you can make even an ordinary gift so much better, and the whole event so much memorable.

So, since you will be buying bus or plane tickets, there are numerous creative ways those tickets can be given to someone you care about. Here is an awesome image thread on Pinterest to help you get the inspiration on how to turn this simple gift into something truly magical.


You might also think that this is a mundane gift, and yes you are completely right, but if your partner loves them, then you cannot go wrong with it. They also make a perfect additional gift, if you need something extra.

However, there is a way to step up your game even further and impress your partner with just a single rose rather than with a whole bouquet. Now there are new golden roses that you can order online, and these are amazing, since they will never wither. So, if you want to go with flowers add some bling to it with a golden rose.

What I Love About You Fill-in-the-Blank Journal

Romantic Book GiftThis can really be a thoughtful gift, as long as you know how to express yourself in a romantic fashion. It is gift you use to tell someone just how much you care about them, and they will be able to keep it and look at it. This will also be an ideal gift if both of you have an agreement to be creative this year and to come up with a thoughtful gift rather than with something expensive. So, buy this one early and start writing whenever inspiration strikes.

A wristwatch with romantic inscription

In the event that you really want to buy something expensive and memorable, a wristwatch is definitely the way to go. However, this also needs to be a romantic gift, which means you need to come up with a romantic quote that will be etched on the back of the wristwatch.

You can say something like “I will always have time for you” or “the time spent with you is the happiest time of my life” or something similar. Of course, you need to also pick an elegant and a beautiful watch, so do not rush this purchase; take some time before you decide.

Theme gift

Lastly, you can always go with a theme gift, since you can’t go wrong with it. It is something related to what your partner really loves; it can be football, it can be a movie franchise or a video game franchise, technology and gadgets etc. These are great gifts because your loved ones get something they would actually buy, and because it shows you pay attention to their interests. So, try to find out what is on their wish list on a certain online store, or what the latest thing they were excited about was. These are gifts and nice gestures at the same time, which is why you can’t go wrong with them.

Hopefully this list will give you some inspiration and help you have a perfect new year’s eve. These are all good ideas, and your partner is bound to like at least one of them, so take your time to consider what the best gift would be. As mentioned, this was not a good year to remember, so the fact that it is ending really calls for a special celebration. Have a nice holiday and have a nice time with those you love.

Ana Vucic

Ana Vucic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in English language and literature. When she is not reading the latest A Song of Ice and Fire book, she is actively looking for an inspiration for writing in her favourite music. She loves travelling and exploring new cultures, and wants to visit the Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand, where she hopes to meet Peter Jackson.

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