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5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Drinking Alcohol

Having one or two drinks at a local bar or at a party can’t harm you, right? But think again. Before you know it, you could get wasted, end up in a hospital, or in the worst case, lose your life. If you avoided all of these, then you might be looking into a future which is not so bright – alcoholism is not a thing one should play with. Not only that you will ruin your life, but this can also threaten the lives of the people surrounding you. If you decided to put an end to this chapter of your life, here are a couple of more reasons that will definitely give you the will to forget alcohol for good.

Risk of stroke

No matter what kind of booze you like to sip, you are under the risk of having a stroke if you drink regularly. Not that all the other problems it causes are minor, but this one is pretty severe. Some studies have shown that people who consume alcohol on a regular basis (once or twice a week being too much) have more chances of having a stroke, especially men. Not only that your life will be hard after a stroke, that is, if you survived it, but sometimes, it can cause permanent damage to your central nervous system, which will affect your whole body.

It will ruin your liver

Alcohol abuse will eventually lead you to liver cirrhosis. Avoid coming to the stage where you will feel fatigue, nausea, pain and vomiting – as when it comes to this, it is obvious that your liver is in a worse state than you thought. Diseases such as liver cirrhosis are those that are hard to treat, and in some cases, it can lead to a fatal outcome. So, if you like to have a drink or two every once in a while, you can afford it only if you had a really nice meal before that, and of course, don’t end up drunk.


High blood pressure is a quiet enemy of ours. Even if you have problems with hypertension, you won’t be able to notice it because, in most cases, there are no signs indicating that you have it. The worst thing is that, over time, your heart will be forced to endure a great deal of pressure and work much harder – this is how your heart weakens over time. Not only alcohol, but also unhealthy food and an unhealthy way of living can be the causes of high blood pressure. Those of you who want to live longer and avoid this, should avoid alcohol as much as you can.

Damaged teeth

Alcohol will damage your teeth in various ways. First, you need to know that alcohol will make you dehydrated, as well as your oral cavity – making it a perfect place for the development of different bacteria that will damage your teeth and gums. Then, sugar from cocktails is equally bad for your teeth as candies will only accelerate the process of decay and make cavities on your teeth. Last but not the least, some alcoholic drinks, especially red wine, will leave stains on your teeth and as it softens the enamel on your teeth, the stains will change the color of your teeth permanently. Dr. Gary Moore says that this can be easily solved by a teeth whitening treatment, but this won’t solve your drinking problems, and it is useless if you keep on drinking.

Behavior under the influence of alcohol

Why do we drink? It usually starts as a wish to break that barrier of communicating with people and feeling really free. However, as time passes, you will need more and more alcohol, and you will notice the change in your behavior while intoxicated. Not only that you can harm yourself and get seriously injured, but you can also be a threat to others, your friends and family – and sometimes, the results can be tragic. We are not thinking clearly while under the influence of alcohol, and this can lead to all sorts of violence.

At least some of these reasons should be your wakeup call that will help you succeed in leaving drinking behind you.