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5 Reasons Why Owning a House in the Countryside Is Great

Urban environments can drain you of your energy. Many people tend to feel trapped and caged after a while, and it is no wonder. Nature is confined in parks, the air quality is poor, the noise is constant, and people get lost in the crowd. Everyone needs a break from the urban environment once in a while. This is why a lot of people invest into a country home. You need a rural escape that you can call your own so that you can relax, enjoy some fresh air, and get that city buzz out of your head. Why would you go to the countryside when you have everything in the city, you ask? Well, there are tons of upsides to living in the countryside, and things you can’t get to in the city. More importantly, there are things that are not present in the countryside, unlike in the city. In some cases, it is not what you have, it’s what you avoid that matters.

1. Reduce Stress

If you work in a city, and go to work almost every day, it makes sense to live within the city for convenience. Still, crowds on the sidewalks, constant traffic jams and other daily stresses of working in an urban environment can really take their toll on anyone’s mind. This is why going away to your country home as soon as the weekend comes knocking is a great way to get some rest. It has been scientifically proven that urban noise tires the brain, and can produce troubles with sleeping and erratic behaviour.

2. A Change of Scenery

Even if you enjoy the urban environment, things can get quite old after a while. You should be able to get away for a while and spend some time in an environment that is not always packed with people, vehicles and noise. Urban life tends to be repetitive, and being stuck in a rut does nothing good for your productivity or your mood. A breath of fresh air and an environment that is completely your own can be quite beneficial. Doing things around your home is a good way to get away from the office job and do some old fashioned work. There are a lot of things that you can do around the house in order to improve its appearance. It all depends on your vision of an ideal country home.

3. A Healthier Environment

We are all more or less aware that the city is not what you would call an ideal living environment. Air pollution in rural environments is on a much lower level, which gives your lungs, bloodstream and your brain a chance to take in a bit more clean oxygen and break the steady intake of Carbon Dioxide emissions that are associated with high traffic. Furthermore, the lifestyle in urban areas tends to be a bit more destructive than the one in rural environments. Clubbing, parties and other urban pastimes often include intoxication. On the other hand, living in the country includes things like hiking, horseback riding, bird watching and reading books in peace and quiet. Now, imagine having the time to unwind with no social pressures and obligations.

4. A Vacation Spot with No Money Down

Wild vacations are a thing reserved for younger people. When you grow up, the last thing you want to do is lose even more energy by constantly traveling and partying. By having a home in the country, you provide yourself with a very economical way to go on vacation. It is a guaranteed way to get some rest and feel comfortable, since you are actually home. There is no organization, setting dates, packing big, clunky suitcases, etc. You simply sit in your car and drive home.

5. A Place for the Family

Family time suffers when you live in an apartment. Actually, any event that includes large groups of people, loud music, and actually anything that makes a good festivity, can be frowned upon by other tenants of your building. This is why a country home fits this role perfectly, and there is nothing standing in your way if you want to organize a family gathering of any sorts. Quality family time can be quite scarce when you take packed urban schedules into consideration, and if you feel that you might be losing touch with each other, it might be the right time to get a bit of fresh air and enjoy each other’s company.

There is nothing quite like owning a vacation home in the countryside. It is really a life changing investment, just be careful when purchasing. Keep your best interests in mind, and don’t make any rushed decisions.