5 Myths about Highly Confident Men that Everyone Believes

When it comes to being relaxed and confident, some men just seem to be much better at it than others. People look at movie stars, various celebrities or random men in the street who walk tall, and they assume that these guys are naturals, that it’s just the way they are. There are plenty of misconceptions about masculinity and confidence that have become widespread in popular culture.

I guess it is much easier to just say that someone has it easy or that they are just wired differently than most than to actually try and improve ourselves. However, when we dig a little deeper, there are some interesting facts about confident men that we can learn from, and some habits that we can adopt in our own lives in order to become more confident.

  • They Don’t Care About Their Appearance

Confident #business #menIt is a fact that confident men have a very healthy body image, and that they feel comfortable in their own skin. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t give much thought about the way they look. There are plenty of things a man can do to look good, and a crisp and stylish look can actually help boost your confidence. It’s not about trying to please others or seeking attention, it’s about looking and feeling your best on a daily basis.

  • They Never Doubt Themselves

Yeah, confident men may seem like they always know just what to do and that they never doubt themselves, but they are only human. Of course, they make mistakes, double guess some decisions and even doubt their own abilities, it’s just that they don’t dwell on it for too long. Being confident is about working through such issues quickly and effectively, squashing your inner demons when they rear their ugly heads. There is always some fear and doubt, but it’s how you handle them that is the important part.

  • They Feel Comfortable in Any Situation

Feel #confident and you can #achieve_anythingAnother big myth is that some men just seem to be very comfortable in every situation. Actually, it’s the willingness to spend a lot of time just outside their comfort zone and look for new and exciting experiences which all help create plenty of confidence. If someone is used to a wide range of situations and environments, it means that he spent quite a bit of time doing tons of different things that made him a bit uncomfortable and nervous at one point.

  • They Don’t Experience Fear or Stage Fright Like Normal People

People often miss what is going on underneath the surface. You may see some confident and seemingly tough man standing his ground and talking down an unruly drunk who wants to fight, approaching a beautiful woman and starting to chat with her or calmly telling his boss that he is wrong on an issue, and you think to yourself: “Wow, that man isn’t the slightest bit nervous or anxious about the whole situation.” In actual fact, this man has adrenaline coursing through his veins and the same uneasy feeling brewing up inside, it’s just that he is keeping it under control and working through it. It takes quite some experience to learn to do this effectively, so you can be sure that the confident man in question went through quite a few similar situations, despite being incredibly nervous each and every time.

  • They Are Born with Tons of Confidence and Talent

Just #be #yourselfWhile some people clearly have more natural talent than others in certain areas or they may be more physically or intellectually gifted, which can definitely lead to increased confidence, that doesn’t mean that they never had to work hard to get to the level they are at now. Many people start off fairly average and become good at something through hours and hours of steady practice on a daily basis, and their confidence comes from having both the skill and that fighter’s mindset. Don’t assume someone had things handed to them on a silver platter, because there is a good chance that a lot of time, effort and personal sacrifice went into making them who they are now.

So, to sum up, confident people aren’t sculpted and imbued with supreme talents by the Gods of Mount Olympus and dropped on their mother’s lap – confidence is something that comes through hard work. It is a mindset associated with someone’s outlook on life, and everyone can learn to become more confident if they are willing to put in the work.

Nemanja Manojlovic

Nemanja is an enthusiastic researcher who likes to focus his attention on topics ranging from martial arts, weight loss, fitness and cooking, to interpersonal communication, motivation and productivity. He believes that training the body and the mind consistently is the secret to achieving success, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

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