5 Most Fascinating Sites in the World

The world has so much to offer and you can choose so many wonderful destinations for your next vacation, from the ancient sites in Greece and Italy and the cities with amazing historical heritage all over Europe, to the modern cities with a futuristic look in Japan, as well as the beautiful sacred sites in Australia, with the Aboriginal inheritance of the oldest living culture in the world. If travelling is one of your greatest passions, you will be amazed by the sites we have selected for you to include in your next travel itinerary. Read on and prepare to fall in love with these destinations.

Inca City of Machu Picchu, Peru


If you are a history lover, the Inca City of Machu Picchu is the perfect location for you. It has many temples, sanctuaries and parks that you can visit and it will absolutely take your breath away. The site is known as the lost city of Incas and it is constructed from the white granite blocks that make the whole place look gorgeous and relaxing. If you decide to reach the Inca City by walking the Inca Trail, it may take you several days but, once you take a look at the site, it will definitely become one of your favourite ones. There is a reason it is overcrowded with tourists and, if you decide to go there, you will see for yourself what an amazing site it truly is.

The Pyramids in Giza and the Sphinx, Egypt

Another ancient site that belongs to the most beautiful and fascinating places in the world is the Sphinx and the pyramids in Giza. The Sphinx is the greatest monolith statue in the world and, if you haven’t visited it yet, you must include it in your next trip. Once you’ve seen the site, you will understand why the Great Pyramid of Giza, or the Pyramid of Cheops as it is also known, was on the list of the Seven World Wonders of the Ancient World. It is actually the only one of those that still exists and is still largely intact. To make your trip to the pyramids more entertaining, you can take a camel ride through the Sahara Desert and you can be sure to have an amazing experience.

The Great Wall of China


The Great Wall of China is about 5500 miles long and it stretches from east to west China along the many mountains, plateaus, and deserts. It was built about 2000 years ago as a protection by the native people there and, today, it attracts thousands of tourists every day. It is the most amazing man-made site you can visit and you can choose to ether take a day trip along the Wall or take a whole day to hike and visit all of the amazing sections of the Great Wall. Don’t miss an opportunity to visit this mysterious structure; it truly is a majestic site.

Taj Mahal, India


The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan made to house the tomb of his wife. It is a white marble construction and its stunning beauty is beyond any description. It is located in the city of Agra and represents one of India’s and the world’s most fascinating sites. You absolutely must visit this gorgeous architecture, which belongs to one of the most wonderful Indian history symbols.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Victoria


The Royal Botanic Gardens in Victoria, Australia, are the botanical gardens located in the centre of Melbourne and displaying a variety of plants and wildlife. If you need a place where you can charge your batteries and relax, these gardens are perfect for you. This site was once a traditional camping and meeting place of the Australia’s indigenous people, and you can get acquainted there with their food, medicine and tools. If you would like to learn more about the Aborigines of Australia and their wonderful culture, and perhaps offer your help and join a community program for providing a safe environment for them, you can consider visiting some of the Aboriginal health services on your trip to Melbourne.
If you’re already attracted by these fabulous destinations, start planning your vacation right away. Book your tickets and go on a trip around the world, the one you’ve always dreamed of. Bon voyage!

Ana Vucic

Ana Vucic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in English language and literature. When she is not reading the latest A Song of Ice and Fire book, she is actively looking for an inspiration for writing in her favourite music. She loves travelling and exploring new cultures, and wants to visit the Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand, where she hopes to meet Peter Jackson.

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