5 Easy Tips That Will Help You Start Your Own Winery

Every once in awhile, every wine enthusiast thinks about what it would be like – having their own winery. While looking at their glass of the delicious divine drink, swirling it around, they tend to think how it would be like to make their own wine and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Often, when we think about the people who own their wineries, we imagine them sitting on their porch, looking at their vineyards and just feeling like they got a little piece of heaven just for them. Starting a wine business is not easy and definitely not cheap so, prepare your money and read these useful tips that will surely help.



The first thing you will need when starting a business with wine is a vineyard. If you are lucky and maybe your grandparents left you a piece of land and until now you didn’t know what to do with it, now it is time for that land to shine. But if you don’t have that privilege, you buy one. Region and the location of the vineyard are of extreme importance, because you will want to have a good climate, since grapes that are used for wine need hot days and cool nights. Make sure you have enough space to build a winery next to your vineyard. The next thing you will need to do is pick the type of grape you would like to grow. There are many species used for winemaking, they all give different tastes to wine.

The Budget


Starting your own winery is a very expensive project. If you are a money maker and are tired of your old same boring job, making wine wouldn’t be a problem for you. If yet you are not blessed with a great fortune, there are several ways to acquire money for your business. You can always get a loan from a bank, or if you have a well situated friend who also likes wine, you can invest together. Bear in mind that your budget should be big, because there are always going to be unexpected costs. Be prepared for every situation possible and don’t expect to start earning money the first year of your business.

The Employees


If you are planning a big vineyard you will need a lot of people to help you out with it. Try to find employees that are also wine enthusiasts, who enjoy making wine. In this business, your family and friends can also be of great help – everyone can contribute. There are many volunteers that love wine so you can use their help and that way cut down some costs on salaries, especially when it is time for harvesting. Your employees should be professional and responsible, especially when it comes to hygiene, which should be on the highest level. Everything has to be clean because a bacterial problem can occur very easily.




Marketing in the wine business is essential for success. Before all things, you need to decide which market you would like to serve. Now that you have the product, you have to find a way to sell it. There are several ways you can do this. One of the ways to go is to simply bring the bottle to people and present them with your product, or organize a wine tasting event at your winery, where people can experience the whole process and see the hard work that was put into one bottle of your product. Having a website with a presentation of your business can also help. Putting photos of the winemaking process, your final product and the people who made it happen will surely attract the crowd. For a good website, you have several options, some that are free like WordPress but if you need to ensure that the design fits the current industry standards then you need to find a good website hosting provider, which allows you more control over your site, to design it and just make it your own. In the experience of the Altus Host specialists the lack of control and low security standards of some hosts have been the kiss of death for a lot of successful online businesses.

Other Useful Tips


Don’t forget to ask about the laws and permits needed to grow your own grapes and making wine. In every country, the law is different, so gather your information right. Put quality in your bottles, your customers will appreciate it and don’t oversell it. Design your label so that it will attract customers when they see it and make them want to taste it. All in all, this is hard work, but if you put your soul and heart into it, the sky can be your limit. Plant your grapes and start enjoying your dream.

Ana Vucic

Ana Vucic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in English language and literature. When she is not reading the latest A Song of Ice and Fire book, she is actively looking for an inspiration for writing in her favourite music. She loves travelling and exploring new cultures, and wants to visit the Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand, where she hopes to meet Peter Jackson.

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