4 Reasons Why Having a Website is Essential for Your Business

Having and running a successful business is hard, so much that 90% of startups fail. It is a cautionary tale for everyone, but it can give you some clear tips and tricks that you should focus on. Having a great website is one of them. You would be surprised at how many small businesses do not have a website, and because of this, I want to talk about 4 key reasons why having a website is essential for you, and your business.

1. It’s All About Impressions


We need to get something clear, we live in a world where things like Google and Facebook are so integral part of our lives it is borderline disturbing. People do not simply go shopping without checking something out, especially the price, online, and even when in the store, they are searching for a cheaper options. It is hard to earn money, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell something that is clearly overpriced. People leave and read reviews, they look for previous Facebook comments, who has checked in before, and first impressions about your company are more important than ever – it will decide whether people will even visit your store, or not.

Simply by having a website, you will have a constantly open business card that will present you, your company, your office or your store, and if you don’t have a website, or you have some clunky, non-functioning one, well, things aren’t good.  So, why should you focus on having a good, efficient, and good looking website?

2. Website’s Never Sleep


Like I’ve said, when you go to sleep, and your last employee checks out, your website is there, and if someone is interested in looking at what you have to offer at 3 AM, they can do that. Not only is this extremely efficient for your customer, but for you as well. A website can help you direct all questions at your email, or your phone, so that your brick and mortar store can have shorter workhours (if your business allows it). And besides, unless your business is in a really busy street, chances are, you’ll get only a few random visitors.

Once you are done, search engines will do the hard work for you, and if your website is well optimized (you can read more about Search Engine Optimization here) then you will only appear higher and higher in search results. People will be able to share your website among themselves, and no matter when or when, customers will be able to find your products and how to contact you, where to find you, and when. We live in a marvelous age, not using that to your advantage is a bad idea.

3. Social Networks Work for You

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Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ are all fun and great, but when you combine them with a fully developed website, you can use all they have to offer. Facebook offers Instant Articles that will allow you to instantly post your new posts to your Facebook page, but wait, it is all done in a way that when a person clicks on a link, it is instantly opened. This is only one example is how having a website can help your online presence.

Website will also give you a place where you can share your words of wisdom, and by posting frequently about your particular business niches, you will give the impression of a hard-working, approachable professional. This alone will draw new customers to you, and help you spread the word about what you do, and what makes you special.

Furthermore, Social Networks are a wonderful place for marketing, and with an inviting website, you will be able to advertise anything – from particular products in your website’s shop, to your newest blog post. You will be able to create a whole marketing strategy that was previously unavailable to you. What you decide to focus on is totally up to you. Is your website full of interesting, funny articles about your experience? Facebook and Twitter are the way to go. Do you have a lot of images that you want to promote? If you’re running a restaurant, and you cannot wait to share your newest culinary creation – Pinterest will help you do that, and make your customers drool before they contact you for a reservation.

4. Lack of Website Equals Decrease in Customers


I think that the previous 4 reasons are good enough, but in the end, it comes to this: it is year 2016, and if you do not have a website, you are doing something wrong. You are missing out on opportunities that are available to your competitors, you are missing out on some good, and cheap marketing. After all of this, we can clearly understand why sometimes websites cost thousands of dollars to develop.

This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case, as free CMS (content management systems – or fancy word for tools that help you bring websites) such as WordPress, even a good looking website isn’t far from your reach. More than 25% of all websites are run on WordPress, and while it can be difficult for a novice to make a stunning new website (especially when you have to worry about things like domains, hosting, etc.) it can be a good first step, and WordPress is the cheapest, and the fastest platform, and it is up to you to decide how much you think your website is worth.

It is of the utmost importance for your website to have a website, and the better it is designed, the more responsive it is, the more advantages you will feel from it. It doesn’t matter if your business is run only by you, or you have 50 employees at your disposal, the conclusion is clear. It might look like an unnecessary nuisance at the start, but later on, if professionally maintained, you will only be able to reap the benefits, and admire your smart decision.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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