4 Most Common Things People at College Binge On

Binging on things has become a kind of movement, as a term, activity or as a hashtag. It’s everywhere in our pop culture and it’s extremely trendy with younger people. To binge means to be excessive in something, and it first began with binge drinking and eating. Then came binge watching. Nowadays, teens and twenty-something’s – some secretly, some proudly – binge on almost any drink, food, movie, product, TV show, app, video game, sports team and many more. So, in this spirit of binging, we have gathered a list of things that many people at college are engaged in, obsessed over, or can’t bear living without.


We are all constantly surrounded by music. Ever since we were little, listening to our parents’ favorite albums, up to the time when we bought our first CD’s and played them over and over again. Some of us, nowadays, don’t really have time for music anymore, but there are others who simply cannot live without it. College students don’t get how people can do anything in silence and they do everything with music in the background. They cannot imagine taking a walk, driving in a car or taking a bus and completing their daily tasks without the music. They listen to music everywhere, collect CD’s, vinyl’s and they know everything about their favorite artist. They say that music shaped them and, without it, they would be totally lost.

TV Shows

Students Enjoying Free Time

Who doesn’t love to watch TV shows? We have all been at a point in our life when we just couldn’t get enough of a specific TV series. When it was done, we watch it all over again. There are people who really love to watch certain shows over and over again, until they become a part of their lives. They become addicted in a way. College students especially love to spend all of their spare time watching TV series and, as soon as they finish one, they quickly move on to the next. There are some websites that can help them choose what the next show to watch will be, so that they do not waste their time looking around.


We all love to read magazines, whether they are gossip, fashion or business related, but some college students really binge on magazines. They experience some sort of electrifying high when they go through those glossy magazine pages. Especially the girls – they consider fashion magazines to be their golden tickets to a world of endless possibilities, and they simply eat up all the interviews, crosswords, quizzes and horoscopes. Reading magazines is not an ordinary thing for them. They get fully immersed in the content from front to back, and it can be said that they are slightly obsessed.


White Converse Sneakers

Binging on sneakers can be viewed as a bad habit, because this is not a cheap thing. The choice of different types of sneakers is infinite, and new ones are released constantly. College people love to have them in different colors and designs, and are constantly browsing social media platforms and various designer websites, so that they can find a new pair. This may seem a little excessive, but that is why it is called binging. They justify it by saying that no one wears the same pair of underwear all the time, so why would they wear the same sneakers each day.

These are the four most common things that college students love to binge on. Some of them may seem off and excessive, but in this modern, pop culture, all is acceptable. So, if you thought that people only do binge drinking and binge eating, we have shown you in this article that people can binge on almost everything. Maybe after reading this article, you will find out that you have been binging on something but you haven’t been aware of it. But, you shouldn’t worry, just go with it. After all, this is a popular trend.

Isidora Drakulovic

Isidora is a creative writer and blogger with a degree from USEE University, where she studied English language and literature. She likes to write about various topics and doesn’t like to limit herself. Apart from being a writer Isidora is also a car enthusiast, loves music and fashion and enjoys trying out new things in life. When she is not out meeting new people, Isidora is at her home trying out new recipes she found online, the relationship she has with chocolate some people may find weird, but Isidora doesn’t really care about it.

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