4 Internet Trends Which Will Naturally Improve the Efficiency of Your Advertising in 2015

In order to approach your audience properly, you need to know exactly what they need and what they want. Advertising is really a game of demand and supply, and only the most talented players get to arrive to the top. This isn’t like any other game – its rules are unreliable, changeable and unstable, so you need to jump in with both your feet and never leave those waters, so that you’re able to keep track of the latest trends.

By following the latest currents, you’re able to be a real threat to your competition, and maybe even go a couple of steps ahead of them, if you’re brave and smart enough to experiment. Every move in advertising you make will define another part of how your audience sees you. The most important presentation of your business today is the one you built online, and thanks to the fast development of marketing strategies, there are quite precise rules you should follow in order to offer your professional services exactly to your target audience. Let’s see how that should be done in 2015.

Quality Content



Rich content is more important now than ever before, and statistics show that its value will only go up from here. Inspiring articles, precise step-by-step tutorials and resourceful texts which are naturally linked is what you need to bring your game to a new level. Providing your audience with this kind of reading material will enable them to easily navigate your content and actually find it useful and helpful.

Now is the perfect time to leave spamming behind you as a part of your ugly past and direct all your resources to quality, not quantity. Any growing company need a team of professionals to deal with this section, so there are no rookie mistakes where there’s no room for them. You know how silly things go viral without rules? Well, you wouldn’t want your silly mistake to ruin your reputation and bury your business before it even took off.



Hashtags are pretty simple to use, so most people decide to use them for business without even checking the latest trends. Because of that, it often happens that posts have too many irrelevant hashtags that don’t really have a professional glow – quite on the contrary, they border with spamming. Hashtags will continue to have their relevance in 2015, but that won’t do much for you if you don’t use them properly.

In order to truly enter a hashtag base which will bring new followers and likes to you, those hashtags you use need to be made out of keywords. When you’re creating a new post, make sure that there’s about three of them and that all of them fit your post naturally, which means you should include those three words into the context of whatever you wish to post, no matter which social platform is in question. Do some research using any SEO tool, find out which keywords describe your business precisely, and make sure to use them as hashtags in order to approach your audience the right way.

Audience Targeting

audience targeting

Speaking of audiences, targeting it has never been easier. However, a lot of businesses waste their resources on advertising campaigns which aren’t quite thought through. With the old ways of communication with your target audience, using TV, radio and newspapers, you couldn’t really approach them quite directly, but with social platforms, your job has never been easier. By using hashtags on Twitter or Tumblr, ads combined with hashtags on Facebook or simply a nice Pinterest board where you can put all your relevant pins in one place, you can make your audience eat out of your hands.



The easiest way to communicate with your target audience on a daily bases is by making your services available on smartphones. A mobile is a very personal gadget, and if you take a look at yours, you’ll be able to see that it reflects your personality in many ways. By considering that fact, you can easily use smartphones in order to provide potential customers with services they already “liked”, “pinned” or “followed”. In order to do that, you need to make your website and its navigation system mobile friendly, so there won’t be any loading time or any other difficulties.

There’s only one way for people to start using your services – you need to provide them with what they need or want, and you need to do that by allowing them to approach you naturally and with no problems whatsoever. By introducing your business to these very efficient internet trends, I’m sure you’ll enable its growth. Let me know how it goes!

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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