3 Ways of Effectively Overcoming Body Image Issues for Good

You’ll find a ton of ignorant comments online whenever there is a discussion on fitness and body shape, which just goes to show that a lot of people have a problem with their body image. Alarmingly a lot of the people with a skewed perception of what is normal and aesthetically pleasing actually come from the fitness industry, so it’s important that we all learn what the common signs of body image disorders are, and how to deal with them in a healthy way. If you feel that you look bad no matter how much you work on your appearance, or you feel like you are always too fat or too small, and feel self-conscious all the time, then go through the following four tips and try to make a positive change.    

1. Start exercising and eating right



At this point it sounds clichéd, but it’s no use reinventing the wheel when the most basic, and at the same time most effective, methods are misunderstood and used by only a few people. Don’t jump into training expecting to make a huge change quickly and then resort to maintaining your newly sculpted beach body – go for the minimal amount of effort that will get you to your goals, but stick with it day in and day out. If you can do better fine, but if not, make sure you train for strength at least twice a week, do some moderate intensity cardio every 2-3 days, stretch and walk as much as you can. Throw in a few salads and fruit and nut snacks each day instead of takeout, and switch to diet soda for a quick and easy diet fix.

2. Talk to a doctor about any irritating health issues that you have


The most common non-serious health issues include acne, tooth cavities, and different skin conditions, but these can usually be dealt with easily, as long as you consult a doctor early on. In fact, some cosmetic issues like varicose veins can potentially be dangerous to your health, which makes prevention and early treatment even more important. Even some purely aesthetic problems can be solved with a bit of plastic surgery, and there are plenty of non-invasive treatments for shaving off a few extra pounds of fat. Whatever it is that is bothering you, it can probably be fixed with a few simple visits to the doctor’s office.

3. Sit down and try to get to the root of your insecurities



Once you’ve made a few lifestyle changes and gotten an initial confidence boost, you can begin to change some of the things that trouble you deep down inside. There might be some difficult personal demons and great trauma from the past that you will need to overcome, before you can learn to feel comfortable in your body, and this takes time. Patience and determination are the key here.

Learning to love your body again is a long and arduous process, and can’t be really covered in a short article, but know that these steps will give you a good start and help you adjust.


Nemanja Manojlovic

Nemanja is an enthusiastic researcher who likes to focus his attention on topics ranging from martial arts, weight loss, fitness and cooking, to interpersonal communication, motivation and productivity. He believes that training the body and the mind consistently is the secret to achieving success, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

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