3 Hobbies That You Can Monetize

The life of average people around the globe has drastically changed in the last couple of decades. The pace of living has greatly increased and everyone is in a hurry to finish as much work as possible. There are people who find this kind of life normal and take to it like fish to water, whereas there are those who find it immensely stressful. This makes people very nervous and the stress can cause an illness over a certain period of time. This is the main reason why some people decide to take up a hobby that will relax their mind and body. Some people think of having hobbies as wasting time, but if you are passionate about your hobby, you can eventually turn it into a profitable business. The amount of money may not be great, but the feeling when you manage to earn money from a thing you are passionate about is.



This is a hobby that many people choose as their past time activity. It is a very relaxing hobby, as people usually choose beautiful nature landscapes to take with their cameras. When it comes to investments, all you need is a good DSLR camera. These cameras are specially designed for professional photography, it will cost you more than a usual digital camera but the image quality you get is going to be priceless. There are numerous free courses about photography online. These will provide you with basic skills on how to take beautiful photos and how to use various manual settings on the camera. Another useful skill that you should acquire is working in Photoshop software, where you can enhance your images. After a couple of months of active photo taking, you will have quite a collection of beautiful photos. The expansion of the internet has created new possibilities for you as a photographer. It is possible to join numerous websites where you can show your photos and put a price on them. If someone needs your photo, they will contact you regarding the purchase. This is a great way to monetize the hobby you enjoy.

Graphic Artist

There are people who do not value some of the talents they have. If you are a talented artist, this is probably the best hobby you can pick up. Even though the talent for drawing is required for this, it is not the only thing needed to create beautiful drawings. There are skills that you should acquire that will allow you to draw on a computer. There are various drawing programs that you should become familiar with in order to perfect your drawing style. As any other hobby, this one takes a certain amount of dedication as you will greatly improve if you practice your skills daily. There are many ways of monetizing this hobby. It is crucial that you reach a professional level after some time. One option is to share your works on photography websites where you can sell them. Another option that is very popular nowadays is to be hired by a gaming company to be their artwork creator, as games are immensely popular. This is a hobby that can easily turn into a professional career.



This is an interesting hobby that anyone who has a passion for writing should take up. There are people who truly love writing and find it impossible to live without it. As every other hobby, it takes time to improve your writing style, vocabulary and good grammar constructions. When it comes to writing, there are numerous ways of monetizing it. It all depends on what you actually want to write. You could write short stories, start a blog or write a book, it all depends on what you enjoy the most. What many people choose to start with is a blog. There are no special investments, all you need is a laptop or a computer. It is a good thing to choose good and secure hosting that will keep you blog online at every moment, no matter the amount of traffic. In time, you will improve your writing style and you get to communicate with many people around the globe and exchange your opinions with them. On the other hand, as you become a good writer, your skills as an editor will also reach a higher level. Editors are needed in numerous companies around the world. So, this hobby may also, in time, turn into a professional career.

No matter what hobby you choose, make sure that it makes you feel great, as it is going to be your past time activity – it should keep you fulfilled and relaxed. Although not all hobbies can be monetized, setting your mind free and relaxing from the fast pace of life is more important for you.

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Vladimir Ilic

I am a creative writer/blogger working for MyCity-Web. I find that one of my best qualities is my free spirit. Apart from writing I enjoy listening, playing and creating new music. Currently, I am a member of two bands in both which I play bass guitar.

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