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10 Things Every Man Should Own

Being a modern man has a lot of advantages, but it requires a certain dose of responsibility. Every superhero has a sidekick or some supercool super power, and every modern man has to find some help in order to succeed in achieving his ambitions. This list contains ten things which you should have around the house, and which you might find very handy, so check it out!

Swiss Knife

A multipurpose item like this is a must-have. Whether you’re simply opening a bottle of wine, or you need to perform a quick fix in order to prevent a home disaster, one Swiss Knife will do. It’s cleverly made to fit anywhere thanks to its size, which does not at all affect its efficiency – it’s a life-saver.

Work Gloves

No matter what kind of an experience you have as a handyman, you should always learn to protect yourself. A fine pair of work gloves will save you from all those little scratches and bruises, and also from some even more severe injuries, so you should definitely get a pair and always remember to put them on before starting any kind of project.

Tailored Suit

It doesn’t really matter if you’re into suits or not – you’ll need one either way. Your sister’s wedding, a big office meeting, black tie event – basically, any kind of a celebration is an occasion you should dress up for. Maybe the reason why you don’t like them is because you’ve never tried on a tailored suit! Nothing will fit better and nothing will make you feel so good about yourself than a well-crafted suit.

Dress Shoes

Some occasions will require a bit classier outfit, and in order to avoid suiting up, you can simply improve your outfit with nice dress shoes. My advice is to have a pair in brown and black, so you can always mix and match them with your clothes.

Travel Grooming Kit

It’s hard to be on schedule while you’re traveling, especially when it comes to sleeping or taking care of your hygiene. This problem can be easily solved by having a travel grooming kit, which will enable you to have a quick shave, wherever you are.

Iron & Ironing Board

Face it – you need to learn how to take care of your clothes. If you don’t, you’re just wasting money on purchasing expensive clothing items. Other than washing your clothes regularly, you also need to iron them for some obvious reasons – no one will take you seriously if you show up looking like you’ve just fell out of a washing machine. Ironing isn’t difficult at all – you’ll just need some practice, that’s all.

Messenger Bag

Generally, men aren’t really that fond of bags. So, when you’re purchasing one, you should pick out something durable and spacious. A messenger bag is big enough to fit all your gadgets and gym equipment, and – best of all – it will go with most of your outfits, so you won’t have to worry about that.

Recipe Book & Kitchen Essentials

Living alone and being independent doesn’t mean that you have to eat only fast food or starve to death. Like everything else, cooking is something you learn, so go to the nearest store, get a good knife, a quality pan and a recipe book, and start cooking. The first few meals are doomed to become a disaster, but that’s normal. In time, you’ll develop your skills, which will enable you to prepare healthy meals and perhaps, impress your date with a nice dinner.

Tool Box

Even if you’re not really into DIY projects, you should have a tool box lying around, just in case. Every now and then something will come up, like hanging a picture, and you’ll want to be prepared. Besides, crafting can be very useful when it comes to getting rid of stress – it’s not like you’re obligated to make something useful, you should just focus on having fun.

Universal Remote

Instead of having five of them (which all have a weird tendency to get lost), have just one remote – the universal one. This is a really smart investment which will save a lot of your time, which you’d normally spend on looking for a remote, or figuring out what it’s for.
Actually, getting each item from this list will turn out to be a great investment. Some will affect the way you feel, some the way you look, and some will improve the quality of your life. Whichever it is, I bet you’ll be grateful for having them!