10 Easy Yet Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Puffy or swollen eyes are some of the most common beauty problems women face, and it can be caused by different factors. Allergies, stress, hormonal changes, and medical conditions are common causes of puffy eyes, along with genetics and surgery. Swollen eyes can make women look tired and older. They are a frustrating nuisance, and the first thing you see in the morning.

There are some natural ways in which women can reduce the swelling and puffiness around their eyes, and it can be done quickly, in the privacy of their homes. Here are ten easy, yet effective ways to get rid of puffy eyes and bags under eyes:

1. Water

Staying hydrated is one of the best methods to prevent puffy eyes, and it can also improve your overall health. Most health experts recommend drinking between 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. When your body is hydrated, there is a lesser chance of fluids being retained. Water can also remove toxins from your body, which can also help you look and feel better.

2. Tea Bags

Used by women for generations, tea bags do not only contain antioxidants, but they can also help to reduce swelling and irritation. For this method, simply soak the tea bags in hot water for a few minutes before placing them on your eyes at room temperature. After a little while, there should be a noticeable decrease.

3. Cucumbers

cucumbersLike tea bags, cucumbers have also been commonly used to treat puffiness around the eyes. The astringents in this vegetable help reduce redness and irritating, while the moist, cold cucumber helps reduce the swelling. For the best results, use thicker slices of cucumber, chilled in the refrigerator for at least ten minutes.

4. Potato

This starchy vegetable also contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce redness and puffiness underneath and around the eyes. After peeling, washing, and drying the potato, grate it into a clean towel. Place the filled towel over your eyes, and let it sit for a little while. Keep using the towel until all of the irritation is gone.

5. Egg Whites

Not only will this help to treat puffy eyes, but egg whites can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. After whipping the egg whites, add a few drops of witch hazel, which are also a natural astringent. After brushing the mix onto your eyes, let it dry and wash it off.

6. Cold Spoons

While this does require several spoons, it is a fast and efficient way to treat puffy eyes. Chill the spoons for several minutes, then place the back of the spoon against your eyes. As the spoon gradually warms up, replace it with the next chilled one. A bag of frozen small peas can also work just as well, if you run out of cold spoons.

7. Mix Salt and Hot Water

In a glass of warm water, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Once it is mixed, use cotton balls to soak up the liquid and place them over your eyes. Keep them there for at least thirty minutes.

8. Cold Water

Ice and cold water are a perfect way to reduce swelling and to constrict blood vessels. It is an ideal method for treating puffy eyes caused by stress or fatigue. It is easy to do and can be done throughout the day if needed.

9. Strawberries

strawberries for beautyThis red fruit can not only help treat puffy eyes, but it can also help soften the skin and diminish the look of tiny fine lines. High in alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help the skin look younger and reduce swelling and inflammation, this fruit has more benefits than simply tasting good. Slice chilled strawberries and place them over the eyes for at least ten minutes.

10. Aloe Vera

Not only can this common household succulent moisturize your skin and treat burns, but it can also reduce the swelling around the eyes. The vitamin E that is used for medicinal and other beauty purposes also improves circulation while removing excess fluids.

Many women are also discovering eye creams and serums that can relieve puffiness around the eyes. The Best eye cream for puffiness will contain all natural ingredients that will hydrate and soothe the skin around your eyes. Along with reducing swelling, many of these under eye creams will also help you fight the small signs of aging that appear as tiny lines and wrinkles.

While it is almost impossible never to wake up with puffy eyes, these ten tips can help to treat and even prevent your eyes from swelling. It is important to never put anything directly into your eyes, since this could result in a serious health problem. With these effective methods, you won’t have to worry about puffy eyes again.

Kathy Mitchell

I am Kathy Mitchell, an American content writer and MA in English literature. I am writing articles on beauty and health. I am contributing to Consumer Health Digest from 2011.

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